2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Jambi to Solo / Surakarta in

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Time zone in Jambi is : GMT+07:00

Jambi is one of the three provinces in Indonesia that share the name of its provincial capital. Located on the east coast of Sumatera, this historical city was a Malacca Strait trading post for the Sriwijaya dynasty, before it was ceased by the Dutch in the 19th century. Small remnants from the Sriwijaya kingdom still remain today, and can be found at the ancient Muaro Jambi temple site. The location is recognized as a world heritage site, dating back before the 7th century. The Jambi administration is currently building a large elephant habitat, to ease the conflict between wild elephants and locals.

Airports Serving JAMBI

Sultan Taha Syarifudn - (DJB)

Hotel prices in Jambi


Time zone in Solo is : GMT+07:00

Solo is a city full of history and cultural nuances. The people exhibit a strong grasp on the old Javanese traditions. It is a place that will keep visitors amazed with its diverse attractions steeped in ancient Javanese cultural. When in Solo, visitors should set aside a few days to enjoy all the amazing tourist offerings the city has. From exploring the city and passing through the royal palace, to visiting the traditional markets, while browsing quality batiks and craft shops. Its also advised to catch a traditional Solo dance performance or puppet show, as well as enjoying the various culinary delights the historical yet modern city has on offer.

Airports Serving SOLO

Adi Sumarmo - (SOC)

Hotel prices in Solo