3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Amman to Colombo in

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Time zone in Amman is : GMT-01:00

Amman is one of the most visited cities by tourist and business travelers in the Middle East and Africa. The city is the capital city of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is also one of the oldest cities in the world. The rich taste of the city’s cuisine is also famous among the tourists. The city centre area, known locally as al-Balad, is one of the main touristic area in the city.

Airports Serving AMMAN

Queen Alia - (AMM)

Hotel prices in Amman


Time zone in Colombo is : GMT+05:30

Colombo is Sri Lanka\'s largest city as well as capital. This jumbled mix of modern business blocks, colonial buildings, temples, with an assortment of flats and houses added in the mix showcases the diversity of this urban jungle. The inner city\'s pursuits of shopping, fine dining, and buzzing nightlife contrast with the rest of rural, slow-paced Sri Lanka life-style. Travelers who make time in their beach hopping vacation for a visit to the capital can keep busy by touring Buddhist centers, clean cut parks and museums.

Airports Serving COLOMBO

Bandaranaike Itnl. - (CMB)

Hotel prices in Colombo