2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Surabaya to Kupang in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Surabaya is : GMT+07:00

Indonesia\'s second largest city, Surabaya is a metropolis and central business hub for East Java. This historical city is scattered with memorable architecture dating from the Dutch and Japanese occupation. Surabaya also boasts an abundance of shopping centers offering a vast array of merchandise from traditional batiks all the way to the best designer brands.

Airports Serving SURABAYA

Juanda - (SUB)

Hotel prices in Surabaya

West Timor

Time zone in West Timor is : GMT+08:00

Kupang was an important port and trading point during the Portuguese and Dutch colonial eras. Nowadays, Kupang is very interesting to be a travel destination. Here, you can enjoy the beautiful beaches with white sands and wonderful coral reefs. The sights become more wonderful together with the sunset. Beautiful city and friendly people will make your holiday more colorful.

Airports Serving WEST TIMOR

El Tari - (KOE)

Hotel prices in West Timor