3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Samarinda to Semarang in

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Time zone in Samarinda is : GMT+08:00

Tepian City or Samarinda is the capital city of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In this city you can visit Tanah Merah Falls as a tourist attraction owned by the city. Samarinda is also known as a city rich in culture. Visitors can go to Pampang Village. The village is designated as heritage area that shows the arts and culture and also a home to Dayak Kenyah society. Here, visitors will be treated to the attractions and cultural dances from Dayak tribe. Samarinda also has Crocodile Makroman Breeding. All types of crocodiles that are in this captivity, is kind of crocodile that can be found in various rivers in East Kalimantan and also in some other parts of Indonesia.

Airports Serving SAMARINDA

APT Pranoto - (AAP)

Hotel prices in Samarinda


Time zone in Semarang is : GMT+07:00

The capital of Central Java, Semarang is a historic city that was used as a trading post by famed 15th century Chinese sailor, Cheng Ho. Many historic buildings from the time of the Dutch occupation still stand to this very day. The strong Chinese ethnicity is felt as many influences branch out to the local culture and cuisine. As a port city, Semarang is one of the gateways to Karimun Jawa, a chain of islands which offers spectacular diving and snorkeling.

Airports Serving SEMARANG

Ahmad Yani - (SRG)

Hotel prices in Semarang