7 airports found

Flight Prices
from Maumere to Kupang in

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Time zone in Maumere is : GMT+08:00

If you come to Maumere, don’t forget to visit Mamere Bay Sea Park. This sea park is famous with the varied marine life and the colourful coral reefs decorate under the sea. At this bay, there’s Pangabatang Island. The peace, quiet atmosphere, and white sands along the beach, make you feel like you come to a private island. Nilo hill also fascinating to visit. From the top of the hill, there’s “Bunda Segala Bangsa” statue, or Virgin Mary statue, or translated, “The Mother of All Nations“. Visitors are also able to see the Maumere city’s view.

Airports Serving FLORES

Hotel prices in Flores

West Timor

Time zone in West Timor is : GMT+08:00

Kupang was an important port and trading point during the Portuguese and Dutch colonial eras. Nowadays, Kupang is very interesting to be a travel destination. Here, you can enjoy the beautiful beaches with white sands and wonderful coral reefs. The sights become more wonderful together with the sunset. Beautiful city and friendly people will make your holiday more colorful.

Airports Serving WEST TIMOR

El Tari - (KOE)

Hotel prices in West Timor