3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Kuala Lumpur to Nanjing in

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Kuala Lumpur

Time zone in Kuala Lumpur is : GMT+08:00

As the capital, Kuala Lumpur is the most modern and developed city in Malaysia. The once small mining boomtown has gone on to become bustling metropolis city, complete with contemporary high-rises, world-class hotels, glitzy shopping malls and is the home of the world tallest twin towers, Petronas Towers.

Airports Serving KUALA LUMPUR

Kuala Lumpur Intl. - (KUL)

Hotel prices in Kuala Lumpur


Time zone in Nanjing is : GMT+08:00

Situated in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and it is the center economic. Nanjing means “southern capital”. Nanjing is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. It is the capital of Jiangsu province in eastern China. The famous Confucius Temple (Fuzimiao) is one of the most visited tourist attractions in this city. The city is rich in culture and history, it also has many historical sites including Ming Xialing Tombs that listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Airports Serving NANJING

Nanjing - (NKG)

Hotel prices in Nanjing