3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Ketapang to Jakarta in

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Time zone in Ketapang is : GMT+07:00

There are many beaches along the shoreline of Ketapang regency. Some of them are Tanjung Belandang beach, Air Mata Permai beach, Sungai Jawi beach, and Pagar Mentimun beach. Each of them having its own beauty and very interesting to be explored. For example, Tanjung belandang beach, there is an outbound place and swimming pool. Different with Air Mata Permai beach, besides its white sands, the flora and fauna along the beach are very interesting for visitors. Mangrove forest is still maintained with the exotic birds.

Airports Serving KETAPANG

Rahadi Usman - (KTG)

Hotel prices in Ketapang


Time zone in Jakarta is : GMT+07:00

The capital and central hub of the nation\'s economic and political institutions, Jakarta is the city to be in when you want to be in the mix of it all. When your able to look past the congesting traffic, this never sleeping mega-polis offers everything you\'ll need and more. From partying into the early hours of the morning or island hoping of the northern coast of the city, whatever your taste, Jakarta has you covered.

Airports Serving JAKARTA

Hotel prices in Jakarta