2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Karachi to Kathmandu in

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Time zone in Karachi is : GMT+05:00

Karachi is the largest and most populous city of Pakistan. It is situated in the south of Pakistan, on the coast of the Arabian Sea. The city is also the centre of banking, industry, and home to Pakistan’s largest corporations. Nowadays, Karachi is also known as a tourist destination for domestic and international tourists. People can see the collection of buildings and structures of varied architectural styles in Karachi.

Airports Serving KARACHI

Quaid E Azam International - (KHI)

Hotel prices in Karachi


Time zone in Kathmandu is : GMT+05:30

The capital city of Nepal, and the home to more than one million inhabitants, Kathmandu is the urban core of the Kathmandu Valley in the Himalayas. The gateway to a mystical land of temples, mountains and monasteries, Kathmandu’s reputation as a backpacker hub to the Himalaya\'s, sees legions of travelers head for adventure in the high mountain passes. In between expeditions, spend a few days exploring the medieval city-states that dot the valley floor. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1979 , the centre of Kathmandu still feels like a living museum of Hindu and Buddhist art scattered across its narrow streets.

Airports Serving KATHMANDU

Tribuvan Intl. - (KTM)

Hotel prices in Kathmandu