2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Entebbe to Cape Town in

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Time zone in Entebbe is : GMT-03:00

Entebbe is a city in Central Uganda which located on a Lake Victoria peninsula. Prior to Independence in 1962, the town was once the seat of government for the Protectorate of Uganda. The name of the city is came from Luganda language which means “seat/chair”. This city truly offers an infinite landscapes. A visit to the city providing a new experience to explore the beauty of the nature.

Airports Serving ENTEBBE

Entebbe Airport - (EBB)

Hotel prices in Entebbe

Cape Town

Time zone in Cape Town is : GMT+02:00

Cape Town, is a living city with creativity and ready to be explored. It is a city full with beautiful unexpected things. Cape Town has one of the highest levels of biodiversity of an equivalent area in the world. There is so many species are endemic to the mountain and can be found nowhere else. Table Mountain is one of the top tourist destinations in the city. The view from the top of Table Mountain has been described by many as one of the most epic views in Africa.

Airports Serving CAPE TOWN

Cape Town International - (CPT)

Hotel prices in Cape Town