Flight Prices from Dhaka to Bandar Seri Begawan in
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Time zone in Dhaka is : GMT+06:00
Like many capital cities of Asia, Dhaka is packed with overwhelming sights and experiences. The thousands of riskshaws running around the streets, ready to take you to any destination for a fee, or the filthy riverbanks of old Dhaka and the poverty stricken streets are enough to prevent a return visit for some, but looking past the hectic city life, Dhaka has more to offer. Known as the "City of Mosques", you will see that Dhaka is not only the center of political, cultural and economic life in Bangladesh, but is also cauldron of art and intellectual thinkers. The city never seems to stay still, and continues to develop at an astounding rate.
Brunei is well known as a country that was founded on oil, but its main center of activities in Bandar Seri Begawan lacks the extravagant allure expected from an oil rich nation. The most interesting you can find in this quiet central part of Brunei, are probably the main mosque and some of the bigger shopping malls. The major shopping destination certainly reflect its high end expenditure put into them, but in a way still lacks a sense of flashiness. For most visitors, Bandar Seri Begawan will form the entirety of their experience of Brunei, and while there’s plenty to keep one occupied, the city itself is unlikely to inspire any fond memories to return.