3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Balikpapan to Singapore in

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Time zone in Balikpapan is : GMT+08:00

Balikpapan is a city located in southeast Borneo on an inlet of the Makassar Strait. Once an isolated Bugis fishing village, it has now developed into a major port city, recognized for its abundance of natural and mineral resources. The regional base to many multinational corporations operating in East Borneo, its not rare to find many foreigners in this small city. Balikpapan may be small, but it boasts one of the largest and busiest airports in Borneo.

Airports Serving BALIKPAPAN

Sepinggan - (BPN)

Hotel prices in Balikpapan


Time zone in Singapore is : GMT+08:00

The small economic giant of south-east Asia, Singapore remains one of the most modern cities in the region. The city nation blends cultural aspects of Malay, China, Arabia, India and England into a melding pot of diversity. Its unique ethnic tapestry offers visitors a wide array of sightseeing and culinary opportunities from which to choose.

Airports Serving SINGAPORE

Changi - (SIN)

Hotel prices in Singapore