2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Alor to Surabaya in

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Time zone in Alor is : GMT+08:00

Alor is a beautiful island nestled at the eastern end of the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Kalabahi is the main city, and the capital Alor Regency. Pantar Strait Marine Park, is a famous tourist attraction of Alor islands. In fact, because of its unique characteristics and beauty, this marine parks is often cited as the second most beautiful sea garden after Caribbean islands. You can start the exploration from Kalabahi Port and some surrounding docks. The clear water allows you to see the beautiful coral reefs from 40 meters visibility. So many types of marine life that can be found here. In addition to the marine park, Alor also has A Thousand Moko Museum. This museum is a proof that this island\'s culture is very diverse and uphold their traditional values. Visit Alor and you will see the natural beauty of Earth Indonesia.

Airports Serving ALOR

Alor Island - (ARD)

Hotel prices in Alor


Time zone in Surabaya is : GMT+07:00

Indonesia\'s second largest city, Surabaya is a metropolis and central business hub for East Java. This historical city is scattered with memorable architecture dating from the Dutch and Japanese occupation. Surabaya also boasts an abundance of shopping centers offering a vast array of merchandise from traditional batiks all the way to the best designer brands.

Airports Serving SURABAYA

Juanda - (SUB)

Hotel prices in Surabaya