Start typing the airport or destination names, select dates
and the number of person for your trip
Choose Flights
Select the flights that match your needs, sort and filter
all flights, or just pick the cheapest one
Search for a Hotel
Start typing the location name, then select the dates, the
number of rooms and persons for that stay
Hotels available
Select the hotel where you want to stay, filter and sort
hotels by price, location, ...
Select Room
Review the different room rate, Select the room that match
you needs.
Review the items you booked, enter travels contact details. Then
select a payment method
If you create an account, you can review your bookings on our sites
at anytime.
Booking Review & Check-out
To make a payment by bank transfer, click on the tab titled
Get payment detail
We will provide some instructions based on the chosen bank
or network.
Pay at ATM
Confirmation will be automatic.
Online Banking
We support Bank Mandiri Clickpay and BCA KlikPay , select
the one to use for this transaction.
Follow steps from Bank
Most online banking payment solution require prior
activation with the bank.
Payment status & Booking confirmation related to your
hotel/flight reservation
Credit Card
We support Visa & Mastercard
Extra verification may appear
If your card is enrolled in 3D secure
Payment status & Booking confirmation related to your
hotel/flight reservation
Receive E-ticket / Hotel voucher
After payment is settled, you will receive an email with you booking
details, payment confirmation and either a flight e-ticket or hotel voucher to print.
The entire
process takes less than 3 minutes
Our system will be send special deals every monthly.