2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Manado to Luwuk in

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Time zone in Manado is : GMT+08:00

The city of Manado is located on the north eastern tip of Sulawesi and is the capital city to the province of North Sulawesi. Internationally renowned for its close proximity to the small coral island of Bunaken, which is now a national marine park. Here you can enjoy the natural underwater beauties of the islands. The city of Manado itself doesn\'t have much to offer tourists, but the culinary adventurous should prepare their taste buds for some of the most spicy food this side of Asia. Manado cuisine is also known for using unconventional ingredients such as bat meat and rat meat.

Airports Serving MANADO

Sam Ratulangi - (MDC)

Hotel prices in Manado


Time zone in Luwuk is : GMT+08:00

Luwuk city is the capital of Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi. This city usually called as Water City. In this city, tourist come to visit Bukit Inspirasi (Inspiration Hill) which is located in Keles street. What makes this hill special is tourist can witness the amazingly beautiful Luwuk city from top of the hills. You will look the city panorama like you see it from the airplane. Hence the panorama is so beautiful, this city get called “ Hongkong at Night”. People think the panorama is look like Hongkong city at night. This city also known as city with high quality pearls. You can bring pearls as souvenir, Kain Tenun Nambo (fabric), or sculptures with wood carvings. If you go to this city, visit Langkong Bay. Feel the marvelous sands meet with bluish sea and sky.

Airports Serving LUWUK

Syukuran Aminuddin Amir - (LUW)

Hotel prices in Luwuk