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Time zone in Bau-Bau is : GMT+08:00
There’s a lot of beautiful tourist attractions that can be found in this city, such as waterfalls, beaches, caves, and so on. Lakeba beach is one of the city asset that has incredible beauty. The waves and white sands welcomes the tourists. If you want a quiet atmosphere and the sound of birds chirping, you can find it in Samparona waterfall. Lakasa Cave is also famous for its beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. Come to this town and see the unforgettable natural beauty of Baubau.
Once a location of civil unrest in between \'99 - 2002, the city of Ambon has looked past its violent history and grown into a promising travel destination. As the provincial capital of Maluku, it may lack the ambiance of a major city, but retains a laid back charm with a number of perfect beaches and lush mountainous backdrop. Ambon is a gateway to some of Indonesia\'s most beautiful yet utterly undiscovered gems, the Lease, Banda and Kei Islands.