
Time zone in Surabaya is : GMT+07:00

Indonesia\'s second largest city, Surabaya is a metropolis and central business hub for East Java. This historical city is scattered with memorable architecture dating from the Dutch and Japanese occupation. Surabaya also boasts an abundance of shopping centers offering a vast array of merchandise from traditional batiks all the way to the best designer brands.

Airports Serving SURABAYA

Juanda - (SUB)

Hotel prices in Surabaya

Bandar Lampung

Time zone in Bandar Lampung is : GMT+07:00

Perched on the hills overlooking Teluk Lampung, Bandar Lampung or translated Lampung Harbour, is the largest city in Lampung as well as its provincial capital. The main sea transport hub for travelers crossing from Java into Sumatra, the city is also served by the Raden Inten II Airport. Travelers to Lampung more often then not come to see Way Kambas National Park, home of many endangered species such as the Sumatran Rhinoceroses, Sumatran Tigers and Sumatran Elephants.

Airports Serving BANDAR LAMPUNG

Branti - (TKG)

Hotel prices in Bandar Lampung

Top flight routes from Surabaya
Top flight routes to Bandar Lampung