3 airports found


Time zone in Gunungsitoli is : GMT+07:00

Gunungsitoli is a city that has the potential of art and cultural heritage. The people are still familiar with the customs and traditions of Nias. One of the famous indigenous tradition is a tradition of stone jump. Gunungsitoli also has several tourist attractions, such as Muara Indah Beach, Holi\'amaeta So\'arowig, Carlita Beach, Laowomaru Cave, Bunda beach, Onowaembo waterfalls, and so on. To see the whole view of the city, visitors can go to the top of Holi\'amaeta So\'arowig. This place also has a megalithic fortune, a stone arch that resembles a plate.

Airports Serving NIAS

Binaka - (GNS)

Hotel prices in Nias


Time zone in Jakarta is : GMT+07:00

The capital and central hub of the nation\'s economic and political institutions, Jakarta is the city to be in when you want to be in the mix of it all. When your able to look past the congesting traffic, this never sleeping mega-polis offers everything you\'ll need and more. From partying into the early hours of the morning or island hoping of the northern coast of the city, whatever your taste, Jakarta has you covered.

Airports Serving JAKARTA

Hotel prices in Jakarta