5 airports found

Flight Prices
from Surabaya to Dubai in

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Time zone in Surabaya is : GMT+07:00

Indonesia\'s second largest city, Surabaya is a metropolis and central business hub for East Java. This historical city is scattered with memorable architecture dating from the Dutch and Japanese occupation. Surabaya also boasts an abundance of shopping centers offering a vast array of merchandise from traditional batiks all the way to the best designer brands.

Airports Serving SURABAYA

Juanda - (SUB)

Hotel prices in Surabaya


Time zone in Dubai is : GMT+04:00

In the 1980s and early 1990s, Dubai took a strategic decision to come up as a major international-quality tourism destination. Dubai is now a city that boasts unmatchable hotels, remarkable architecture, world-class entertainment and sporting events. These days, if people hear about Dubai, people will reminded of the world\'s tallest tower, manmade islands, underwater hotels, and another superlative things. Throughout the year, Dubai hosts a range of popular annual sporting activities, dazzling entertainment attractions as well as conferences and exhibitions. Dubai is a city that has shaped the world and home of cultural diversity.

Airports Serving DUBAI

Hotel prices in Dubai