4 airports found

Flight Prices
from Miami to Vancouver in

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Time zone in Miami is : GMT-05:00

Miami is one of the world’s most popular vacation spots. Miami was ranked as “America’s Cleanest City” by Forbes Magazine in 2008 for its clean drinking water, clean streets, and good air quality. Miami is a nice place for everyone. There is always something for everyone here. From art galleries, celebrity hotels, lots and lots of strip malls, until turquoise waters and white-sand beaches. Lose yourself and enjoy your time under the sun in Miami Beach or South Beach.

Airports Serving MIAMI

Miami Intl. - (MIA)

Hotel prices in Miami


Time zone in Vancouver is : GMT-08:00

Situated in the western half of the Burrard Peninsula, Western Canada. Vancouver is ranked as one of the “best cities to live in”. In 2009, Port Metro Vancouver become the busiest and largest port in Canada. Tourism is the second-largest industry in Vancouver, as a respond being a city surrounded by nature. This city is also the largest city in British Columbia. A visit to Vancouver is a good opportunity to explore the Totem poles in Stanley Park.

Airports Serving VANCOUVER

Vancouver International - (YVR)

Hotel prices in Vancouver