Flight Prices
from Berau to Makassar / Ujung Pandang in

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Time zone in Berau is : GMT+08:00

Berau Regency is located in East Kalimantan with Tanjung Redeb as the capital city. Berau is famous with many beautiful tourist attraction. Just mention Buru Batu Putih Park, Sambaliung Palace, Biatan Termal Bath, and many more. The most favorited place is Derawan Islands. These place are like heaven for sea lovers. Like in Kakaban Island, you are able to swim with jellyfish because the jellyfish here are not poisonous. Moreover, for getting snorkeling or diving stuff is an easy thing in this place. There are also Sanglaki Island which is place for turtle breeding. In Derawan Islands, you can enjoy the breathtaking view of sunrise and sunset. Since the view are so wonderful, makes Berau is worth to be one of holiday destination on your list

Airports Serving BERAU

Kalimaru - (BEJ)

Hotel prices in Berau


Time zone in Makassar is : GMT+08:00

Makassar or also known as Ujung Pandang is the captial of South Sulawesi. The home town of Indonesia\'s ex-Vice President Yusuf Kalla, Makassar has developed into a colorful tourist destination. Some of the must see attractions when here include Pantai Losari, Fort Rotterdam, some of the many islands around the region and Trans Studio (largest indoor Theme Park in the world). The Makassar cuisine is very different from anywhere else and is a must try for the culinary curious. Makassar also has a strong historical presence seen from its many ancient relics dating back long before the arrival of the Dutch.

Airports Serving MAKASSAR

Hasanudin - (UPG)

Hotel prices in Makassar